This week, the release preparations continue! We’ve been making backgrounds and trading cards for the Steam release (along with a bunch of other promotional work, which we’ll keep working on in the weeks to come):

(Just as a precaution, note that the game is not released yet, the above is just a mockup of some promotional material we’ve been working on)

With most of the art for the initial release done, Vilya will continue working on the promotional side of things – preparing a ton of emails, doing promotional art like the ones above (animated by Fred), and working on the development booklet included with your Snowbacca Tier purchase.

Initially we wanted to have the booklet available at the release of the game itself, but we’ve decided to push back on the booklet release in order to include some perspective on how the launch actually went with everything said and done. We’ll keep you updated on when we expect that to be available, so stay tuned!

Meanwhile, Fred continues working on the trailer and Teddy keeps adding menus and bug fixes to the game. Can’t believe we’re almost there! :)