-“Hey everyone!! Vilya caught a cold this weekend, so to cover for her the side-kick-team has assembled to present this week’s blog post!”
-“We’re very grateful to Pixel Ferrets for trusting us with this great and noble responsibility!”
– “…”
-“Anyway, let’s dive straight into it! First, let’s have a look at this amazing picture of… of…”

-“Oh my GODDESS!! It’s gonna be spring in Santa Fae?!!”
-“…how can you not know these things?”
-“Wow, it looks truly beautiful! Great news, indeed! I wonder if that poor, frozen fellow has thawed yet?”
-“Only one way to find out.”
-“I can’t believe Santa Fae got a makeover… and in my season, too! I’m so happy!”
-“Alright. Moving on:”

-“Wow. Amazing. Moving clouds.”
-“I must say that they really add some nice depth to the scene!”
-“…ah, it’s gonna be spring in my little cozy fairytale town…”
-“Er… well, let’s have a look at a whole new place now:”

-“The Collector HQ cafeteria has finally opened! I wonder who we’ll find in there?”
-“Spoiler alert: no-one new.”
-“There are other exciting things than new faces, you know! Having a few close friends can be better than having many shallow relationships.”
-“Yeah! And speaking of good friends, take a look at this power-couple!”

-“…are these guys even Collectors at this point? All I ever see them do is clean up.”
-“Taking care of our surroundings is a noble task!”
-“…is no-one going to compliment me on my great segway about friends?”
-“No. And it’s called a segue.”
-“…wait, really?!”
-“Really. And finally, here are some more stuff Fred has scribbled together:”

-“Okay, that’s enough for today. Let’s round off this madness by mentioning that tomorrow (Tuesday), or the day after, apparently the Ferrets are hoping to release the latest version on the Frontline beta branch. Will they make a deadline for once? Stay tuned to find out!”
-“Of course they will! Stop being a negative nancy!”
-“I agree with Naniva on this one! From what I can tell, it is looking remarkably likely to play out as they plan!”
-“Well folks, Team Wholesome has weighed in on the matter, and with that we bid you all farewell and wish you a decent week.”
-“No, we wish them an amazing week!”
-“A fantastically splendid week, in fact!”
-“A sparkling, magical miracle of a week!”
-“A week of such unimaginable fortune and bliss that conveying it in text is nigh impossible!”