Can’t have a desert with lots of enemies to beat without any rewards for actually beating them, right?! Time to get to those desert drops!

The first portrait this week features a carpet salesman, selling his wares in the Port Monnaie market area:
Not much to say about this guy, really. Here’s the finished sprite:
As we’re drawing closer to the patch and there’s still a lot of character portraits to be made, so there’s actually two more this week! This girl is an archaeologist who works in the desert – perhaps she has a tool or some book that might help you on your way?
So many characters in the desert!! Whew! This one is a carpenter, possibly the daughter of the carpenter in Evergrind City.
Unfortunately, she’s fallen asleep on the job, forgetting to mend a broken bridge– oh my.. Let’s hope you can wake her up so you don’t have to walk around the entire area to get where you wanna go!
And the closer we draw to the patch, the more tiny fixes we make! Here’s a bunch of them again, starting with adding more the rocks by this crossing, to make sure you as a player don’t get frustrated when you can’t walk over them (before it felt kind of ambiguous whether they were there to block your path or simply decorative):
Next, we decided to add a fancier door to the math caves rather than temporary spear blockades, giving the solving of a puzzle a slight more oomph as these will open:
We’ve added more decorations to the ruins as well. We wanted to give it the feel of having had a bunch of traps, many of which have already been sprung, and so we added the remnants of them:
Another portrait appears as well, this one of a caveling hanging out in the saloon:
…as well as some bonus expressions for one of the characters you’ll be talking to:
Finally, I decided to adjust the puzzle block colors slightly! Below you see the old version, which we felt were a bit too dark to properly fit with the desert background:
And here’s the new, which are much lighter and slightly more yellow, to make them blend in more:
Hi, this game has been reviewed by gambizone at, and we would love your comments about our website, along with any other ideas you have for different games you may want us to try :)